The Team
We are dedicated to creating relaxing and uplifting experiences on our beautiful land, for you and other members of our community. See our current job openings for opportunities to become a part of the RBL family!
After a career in architecture in Philadelphia with the office of Lou Kahn, urbanism with the Harvard MIT Joint Center, teaching at University of Venezuela, New Jersey Institute of Technology and Columbia University, Rock and Roll at the Music Inn in Stockbridge, David made his way as a creative force in hospitality at Race Brook Lodge in Sheffield. Established in 1990, it's still the most beautiful spot in the Berkshires.
Originally from Stockbridge MA, Casey traveled extensively as a documentary filmmaker, living in Boston, New York, India and Athens, Greece. In 2015, he returned to the Berkshires and took the reigns of Race Brook Lodge. Inspired by his experience with meditation, yoga, healing and his awe for the natural world, Casey guides Race Brook Lodge on this journey of Hospitality, Creativity and Community.
Saadia is an Ayurvedic practitioner, herbalist and artist. She loves plants, likes to draw them too. She believes all things are alive. Saadia recently moved to the Berkshires where she helps run Race Brook Lodge and repotted her Ayurvedic practice, Simply Ayurveda.
As filmmaker Alex helmed four scripted feature films and edited numerous docs over the years. As a musician and producer he’s toured with a variety of different bands and has worked as a folklorist across a range of cultures and disciplines. He taught for a decade in the graduate acting program at NYU and has directed theater all over the world. He is also an end of life doula and conscious dying ceremonialist. He’s never felt more at home than he does under the mountain at Race Brook Lodge.
It was as a manager of the Club Helsinki in Great Barrington that Craig first met David Rothstein and his son, Casey. Their conversations included tales of faraway lands such as Japan, where Craig taught English. Forging a new vision, Craig joined the Race Brook team and is front desk reservations manager, as well as coordinator of large events and weddings at Race Brook Lodge.