5-Day Ayurvedic panchakarma cleansing retreat
August 26-31, 2019
Race Brook Lodge is offering a 5-day Panchakarma cleansing retreat experience in the pristine natural setting of the Berkshire mountains. This 5-day program is custom-tailored to your current state of health, wellness, and constitutional imbalances. Panchakarma is an effective and powerful self-healing process. Both detoxifying and rejuvenating; it is the most powerful clinical tool prescribed by the ancient healing art of Ayurveda. It is a sophisticated system of cleansing procedures that assists the body in its own efforts to maintain balance by eliminating toxins, removing excess dosha and opening blocked channels. The treatment plans are lead by NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner Cory Tixier and administered by a team of classically trained Ayurvedic practitioners and therapists. Over the course of 5 days, you will be guided and supported through an intensely transformative experience. Panchakarma returns the light of intelligence to the body and mind allowing for profound healing to take place.
An orientation on Sunday evening before your program begins on Monday
A complete Ayurvedic assessment including a pulse evaluation with a certified Ayurvedic practitioner
A customized herbal protocol
Daily Ayurvedic treatments of approximately two hours consisting of: Abhyanga (a two-person synchronized oil massage), Swedana (individual herbalized sweat therapy), Shirodhara (pouring of warm oil to the forehead), Udhulana (herbalized dusting of the body).
Daily check-ins with your Panchakarma Consultant throughout the week to monitor your progress
A special therapeutic diet of kitchari and herbal teas provided daily
(Much of our produce is grown on-site in our family farm, free from pesticides and synthetic fertilizers)
Lifestyle and diet recommendations specific to each individual
A supportive environment that provides space for true contemplation and self-healing
Recommendations for herbal rasayanas (rejuvenatives) for you to take after panchakarma
Post-panchakarma health and wellness program for healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle practices
Daily Agnihotra (fire ceromony) and Meditation practice
Daily Yoga Nidra class
A 30 day post PK check-in with your Ayurvedic Practitioner (limit 30mins)
Discount on additional therapies or private yoga sessions
Discount on lodging durring your stay at Race Brook
Discount on Ayurvedic herbs and supplies from Banyan Botanicals®
The Following Services are Available at an Additional Charge:
Optional private yoga sessions
Additional therapy treatments that may be prescribed
Space is limited. In order to maintain a high level of personalized care; only 6 applicants will be accepted. If you are interested in attending, please contact us as soon as possible, via the form below.
5 Days/6 Nights retreat cost: $ 2,900 per person (plus accommodations)
Early-bird discount: $ 2,700 for bookings before July 15th.
Lodging Prices:
Shared room per-person: $50/night
Private room: $75/night
Deluxe room: $100/night
Registrations begins June 17th
Application and payments are due no later than August 19th
Click to download PDF application
Cory Tixier is a NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Educator. After completing her studies with Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in 2013, she joined their faculty as both a teacher and curriculum developer. For the past three years Cory has served as the Lead Clinical Supervisor, and assistant to Dr. Lad at his Panchakarma facility in Pune, India where she developed and oversaw their world renowned Therapist Training Program. Currently, Cory is hosting Ayurvedic workshops and trainings in New York, Hawaii and India. She also maintains a private practice providing personalized health consultations and traditional Ayurvedic therapies. Learn more at corytixier.com.
Race Brook Lodge is a hidden gem in The Berkshires, at the foot of Mt. Race and a short hike from the Appalachian trail. The yoga & event barn at Race Brook is simultaneously rustic and sublime, steeped in hundreds of years of New England history. The Stagecoach Tavern is unpretentious fine dining, exquisite farm-to-table cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere.
Mark Phillips and Hot Chestnut rock the weekly Jazz Brunch.